Sunday, November 2, 2014

Brown vs Board

The thing that stuck with me the most from the Promising Practices was when Keynote speaker, Dr. ChristopherEmdin said was black and Brown students achievement was higher prior to the Brown Vs board when schools were segregated which really shocked me.  I can remember learning about the Brown v. Board of Education but I never totally made the connection between then and how race is still a very big issue that we deal. 

The result was that segregation would finally end, but after reading the articles and even listening to the Tim Wise videos, you have to wonder has racism truly ended? In the video interview with author Tim Wise, he mentions that it is important to deal with what is real. Obama is a big topic of this interview and how he is the first African American President of the United States.
Wise argues that we need to note that there never has been an acceptable limit on whiteness. For example, you could be white and be extremely smart go to Yale or be be the complete opposite, but that individual is accepted based on their skin tone. They are both equal. Will there ever be racial equality? To be acceptable as a person of color, you don't have to be Obama and be brilliant, but what about the other men and women who are as brilliant, but good at other things and can run a company, or become lawyers. Can this racial difference we as Americans seem to over look ever be done with? Why is it that two white people can be equally accepted, but a person of color has to have a 4.0 GPA and a high standing job to be accepted? Looking at the Brown V. Board of Education case, these people were to use separate bathrooms, bubblers ( drinking fountains) and countless other public places enforced segregation. It came to the point where people grew sick and tired of being treated differently. Wise states " Work still needs to be done." The historical cases were only the beginning of the work of those decades that would lead to the continuation of work American needs on the "denial" we live in.


                             After reading the article by Bob Herbert, I couldn't help but think of the Service learning we are doing now and how we are in poorer sections of the school system. I, like Herbert, agree with the fact that if these poor children could be put into schools with children who had a educational advantage, or were of a higher class, "  get them away from the environments that are smothered by poverty. This isn't as easy as it sounds but it could be an improvement. Looking at various school systems, the schools are separated by not so much "segregation" in skin color anymore, but by area and the community around that school area; the environment. Which goes back to Kozol when he mentions in his article that the cycle of poverty is going to repeat from generation to  generation because they can't leave. Herbert states "Some have established specialized, high-achieving magnet schools in high-poverty neighborhoods, which have had some success in attracting middle class students. Some middle-class schools have been willing to accept transfers of low-income students when those transfers are accompanied by additional resources that benefit all of the students in the schools." 


  1. You brought up really valid arguments/points, nice job! I also liked that you connected it to promising practices!

  2. I definitely think now that we're doing Service Learning, seeing segregation in schools, and classism in society is way more visible!

  3. I completely agree with Chanel, being able to do our service learning is truly an eye opener to segregation within not only in society but the classroom. Great job!
